
03-11-2024Int. Nat. Dogshow BleiswijkDevine Dignity vom Schloß MordorBOB, Uitmuntend 1eplaats, CAC, FCI, Youth-CAC
Ned. Jeugd Kampioen
Thomas Hehir (IE)
29-09-2024Int. Dogshow KarlsruheAngus vom Schloß MordorBest of Breed
Frau Möller-Sieber
28-09-2024Int. Dogshow KarlsruheAngus vom Schloß MordorBest of Breed
21-09-2024Schotsche Terriër Specialties Multi BreedsDevine Dignity vom Schloß MordorUitmuntend 1e plaats, CAC
Beste teef
Best of Opposite Sex
Elly Weggemans
11-08-2024IHA SalzburgAngus vom Schloß MordorVI CAC/CACIB
Best of Breed
Elisabeth Feuz, CH
10-08-2024Mozart Klubshau für Terrier SalzburgAngus vom Schloß MordorVI CAC/CACIB
Best of Breed
Frau Maria-Louise Doppelreiter
IHA SalzburgAngus vom Schloß MordorCAC, Best of BreedChristine Rossier, CH
03-08-2024NTU Terrier SpecialtyConstance vom Schloß MordorUitmuntend 1e plaats, CAC en Beste van het RasFrauke Hinsch (DE)
Devine Dignity vom Schloß MordorUitmuntend 1e plaats en beste Jeugdhond
30-06-2024de Utrecht-OutdoorConstance vom Schloß MordorUitmuntend 1e plaats, Res. CAC, CACIB en Nederlands JeugdkampioenTinna Grubbe (DK)
de Utrecht-OutdoorDevine Dignity vom Schloß MordorBest PuppyTinna Grubbe (DK)
26-04-2024World Dogshow ZagrebAngus vom Schloß MordorCAC, Res. CACIBKrstic-Arbanas Mirjana (Croatia)
13 april 2024Int. Nat. Dogshow RijnlandHuovispäivän HumppatirallaaDutch Champ!
BOB, CAC, CACIB and the titel Rijnlandstar '24
Judge Tatjana Urek (SI)
Int. Nat. Dogshow RijnlandConstance vom Schloß MordorBOS, CAC and the titel Rijnland Junior Star 24Judge Tatjana Urek (SI)
Int. Nat. Dogshow RijnlandDevine Dignity vom Schloß MordorBest minor puppy, the titel Rijnland minor puppy '24 and SHORT LISTEDJudge Tatjana Urek (SI)
12 nov 2023Dogshow Karlsruhe (Germany)Angus vom Schloß MordorBOB, Excellent1, CACIB, and AlpensiegerJudge Veli-Pekka Kumpumäki, FIN
25 aug 2023World Dog Show GenèveAngus vom Schloß MordorUitmuntend 2 Res. CAC-JeugdJudge Thorsten Himmrich
15 + 16 juli 2023Terriër Speciality Show Dormagen- DelhovenBram (Huovispäivän Humppatirallaa)Best of Breed
Uitmuntend 1e plaats,
Judge Elly Weggemans & Walter Jungblut
15 + 16 juli 2023Terriër Speciality Show Dormagen- DelhovenVictoria vom Schloß MordorBest Of Opposite Sex,
Uitmuntend 1e plaats, CAC VDH/Kft
Judge Elly Weggemans & Walter Jungblut
15 + 16 juli 2023Terriër Speciality Show Dormagen- DelhovenConstanze vom Schloß MordorVeel belovend in de puppy classJudge Elly Weggemans & Walter Jungblut
08 juli 2023Pärno Dog Weekend (Finland)Antero vom Schloß MordorBOS, BOB-JUN, JUN-CC, JUN-CACIB
27 + 28 mei 2023Terriër Speciality show weekend bij KfT Og Bad Homburg FriedbergBram (Huovispäivän Humppatirallaa)Best Of Opposite Sex,
Uitmuntend 1e plaats, CAC VDH/Kft
Judge Mr & Mrs Watson
27 + 28 mei 2023Terriër Speciality show weekend bij KfT Og Bad Homburg FriedbergVictoria vom Schloß MordorUitmuntend 1e plaats, CAC VDH/KftJudge Mr & Mrs Watson
27 + 28 mei 2023Terriër Speciality show weekend bij KfT Og Bad Homburg FriedbergErajya Iz Zvezdnogo GrafstvaUitmuntend 2e PlaatsJudge Mr & Mrs Watson
24+25 mei 2023Terrier Specialty Show Aarau ( Swiss)Angus vom Schloß MordorAlpen Jugend Sieger
Best of Breed
25/11/2022Int. Nat Dogshow
Leeuwarden. Friesland Cup
Bram ( Huovispäivän Humppatirallaa)Best Youth Male and Best of BreedJudge Jakub Kruczek (PL)
06/11/2022International Dogshow Bleiswijk Huovispäivän Humppatirallaa ( Bram)Best of BreedJudge Juha Putkonen (FI)
07/08/2022Terrier Specialty
KFT-OG Bad Homburg Friedberg Köppern
Huovispäivän Humppatirallaa3rth BEST PUP OF SHOWJudge Mr. Enrique Maté Durán (E)
07/08/2022Terrier Specialty
KFT-OG Bad Homburg Friedberg Köppern
Erajya Iz Zvezdnogo GrafstvaBest of Breed Judge Mr. Enrique Maté Durán (E)
07/08/2022Terrier Specialty
KFT-OG Bad Homburg Friedberg Köppern
Yakogor EurystheusVery GoodJudge Mr. Enrique Maté Durán (E)
06/08/2022Terrier Specialty
KFT-OG Bad Homburg Friedberg Köppern
Huovispäivän HumppatirallaaBEST PUP OF SHOWJudge Goran Dojchinoski (MK)
06/08/2022Terrier Specialty
KFT-OG Bad Homburg Friedberg Köppern
Erajya Iz Zvezdnogo GrafstvaBest of Breed
Judge Goran Dojchinoski (MK)
06/08/2022Terrier Specialty
KFT-OG Bad Homburg Friedberg Köppern
Yakogor EurystheusVery GoodJudge Goran Dojchinoski (MK)
24/07/2022Club Match KC DoijHuovispäivän HumppatirallaaBEST PUP OF SHOWJudge Mrs. Joke Nijhuis
28/09/2019Int Nat Dogshow MaastrichtHuovispäivän Huima HuvitusDutch Champion,
Best of Breed
Judge Mr.
VP Kumumäkie
02/11/2019Int Nat Dogshow BleiswijkSun Shine vom Schloß MordorBest of Breed,
Judge Mrs. Ruiten-Hajnovà (NL)
24/08/2019Int Nat Dogshow RotterdamJunior vom Schloß MordorBest of Breed,
Judge Mrs. Joke Bode
24/08/2019Int Nat Dogshow RotterdamSun Shine vom Schloß MordorExcellent 1, Youth ClassJudge Mrs. Joke Bode
24/08/2019Int Nat Dogshow RotterdamHuovispäivän Huima HuvitusExcellent 2Judge Mrs. Joke Bode
03/03/2019Martini Int Dogshow GroningenQueen vom Schloß MordorBOB, Best Youth Dog,
Benelux Youth Winster ,19
Excellent 1, CAC
Judge Mrs M Conzalbo Lorenzo(ES)
10/08/2018WORLD DOG SHOW '18 AMSTERDAMHuovispäivän Huima Huvitus , Dutch Youth ChampWDS, JUNIOR YOUTH WINNER '18Judge Christian Jouanchicot (Fr)
10/08/2018WORLD DOG SHOW '18 AMSTERDAMNyx vom Schloß Mordor,Dutch ChampExcellentJudge Christian Jouanchicot (Fr)
10/08/2018WORLD DOG SHOW '18 AMSTERDAMJuliette vom Schloß Mordor, Dutch ChampExcellentJudge Christian Jouanchicot (Fr)
10/08/2018WORLD DOG SHOW '18 AMSTERDAMHuovispäivän Hitaasti Ja Varmasti ( Finn), Dutch Champ.ExcellentJudge Christian Jouanchicot (Fr)
10/08/2018WORLD DOG SHOW '18 AMSTERDAMJunior vom Schloß Mordor, Germ. ChampExcellentJudge Christian Jouanchicot (Fr)
05/08/2018Int. Nat Dogshow, de Meijerij, Den BoschTasmanian Dream's Be My StarBOB, Best Youth Dog, CAC, Excellent 1Judge J.F. Vanaken (BE)
04/08/2018Int Nat Dogshow, de Brabant Cup, Den BoschTasmanian Dream's Be My StarBOB, Best Youth Dog, CAC, Excellent 1Judge L. De Ridder (BE)
31/03/2018Int Nat Dogshow GoesHuivispäivän Huima HuvitusBOB (Best of Breed), Best Young Male, CAC
Excellent 1
Judge Y v/d Bogert (NL)
31/03/2018Int Nat Dogshow GoesTasmanian Dream's Be My StarVery Good 1Judge Y v/d Bogert (NL)
18/03/2018Int Nat Dogshow KV RijnlandHuivispäivän Huima HuvitusBOB (Best of Breed), Best Young Male, CAC
Excellent 1
Judge Mrs. S Lepasaar from Estonia
18/03/2018Int Nat Dogshow KV RijnlandNyx vom Schloß MordorDutch Champ.
Judge Mrs. S Lepasaar from Estonia
18/03/2018Int Nat Dogshow KV RijnlandJunior vom Schloß MordorExcellent 1, Res CAC + CACIBJudge Mrs. S Lepasaar from Estonia
18/03/2018Int Nat Dogshow KV RijnlandTasmanian Dreams Be My StarExcellent 1, Res Youth CAC Judge Mrs. S Lepasaar from Estonia
03/03/2018Int Nat Dogshow GroningenHuivispäivän Huima HuvitusBest Youth Male and Best of Breed, CACJudge Eva Liljekvist Borg from Sweden
03/03/2018Int Nat Dogshow GroningenJunior vom Schloß Mordor, Excellent 1 Res CACJudge Eva Liljekvist Borg from Sweden
03/03/2018Int Nat Dogshow GroningenTasmanian Dreams Be My SarExcellent 1, CAC,BOS (Best of Opposite Sexe) Judge Eva Liljekvist Borg from Sweden
11/11/2017WORLD DOG SHOW
LEIPZIG ( Germany)
Nyx vom Schloß MordorExcellent 2, Res CAC
Judge Mr. Michael Forte (IRL)
11/11/2017WORLD DOG SHOW
LEIPZIG ( Germany)
Junior vom Schloß MordorExcellent 3
in the Champ class
Judge Mr. Michael Forte (IRL)
05/11/2017Int NatDogshow
Junior vom Schloß MordorBOB, Excellent 1
Judge Mr. H.E. Grüttner
05/11/2017Int NatDogshow
Tasmanian Dreams Be My StarBest Puppy, very promisingJudge Mr. H.E. Grüttner
29/07/2017Int. Dogshow RotterdamJunior vom Schloß MordorExcellent 2,
Judge Mrs. Wenche Eikeseth (NO)
03/02/2017Int Nat Dogshow EindhovenHuovispäviän Hitaasti Ja Varmasti ( Finn)DUTCH CHAMPION
Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB
Judge Mr. Vanaken (Be)
03/02/2017Int Nat Dogshow EindhovenNyx vom Schloß MordorBOB, Excellent 1, Youth CACJudge Mr. Vanaken (Be)
18/12/2016Int Nat Dogshow in St. Petersburg (Russia)Konstantijn vom Schloß Mordor BOB, Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB judge Mile Aleksoski
17/12/2016Int Nat Dogshow GorinchemNyx vom Schloß MordorDUTCH YOUTH CHAMPION
BOB, Excellent 1, CAC
Judge Mrs. M. Jansen-Kalshoven
17/12/2016Int Nat Dogshow in St. Petersburg (Russia)Konstantijn vom Schloß Mordor BOB, Excellent 1, CAC, CACIBjudge Natalia Bulellik
11/12/2016Int. Nat Dogshow Kassel ( Germany)Junior vom Schloß MordorDEUTSCH VDH und KfT Champion
Judge Mr. Rainer Jacobs (DE)
19/11/2016Dogshow Kortrijk
Juliette vom Schloß MordorExcellent 1, Res CACJudge Mr. Ken Crockett ( Irl)
05/11/2016Int Dogshow Hazerswoude-DorpNyx vom Schloß MordorBOB, Excellent1 CACJudge Mr. J de Cuyper (BE)
01/10/2016Int Dogshow ZwolleJuliette vom Schloss MordorDutch Champion,
Best of Breed, CAC and CACIB
Judge Mr. T Himmrich ( Germany)
01/10/2016Int Dogshow ZwolleNyx vom Schloss MordorExcellent 1, Res. Youth CACJudge Mr. T. Himmrich ( Germany)
21/08/2016Clubmatch KC DooijJuliette vom Schloss MordorBOBJudge Mrs. Elly Weijenborg-Weggemans
21/08/2016Clubmatch KC DooijNyx vom Schloss MordorBest puppy and shortlisted for best of group ( last 4)Judge Mrs. Elly Weijenborg-Weggemans
19/06/2016Int Nat Dogshow Erfurt ( Germany)Junior vom Schloss MordorBOB, Excellent1, CAC, CACIB and the titel
Landessieger Thüringen
Judge Mr Würgatsch
19/03/2016Terrier Spezialausstellung Hamm ( Germany)Junior ( Skip) vom Schloss MordorBOB, Excellent 1, CAC KfT and VDHJudge Mrs. Mieke Jansen ( NL)
11/12/2015Int Doghsow
Holland Cup Amsterdam
Katharina vom Schloss MordorExcellent 1
Judge Mr.Fabrizio La Rocca ( IT)
08/11/2015Int Dog Show BleiswijkSillhil Chip Off The Old RockBOB, Excellent 1, CACJudge Mr Kevin Brown (DK)
07/11/2015Int Dog Show BleiswijkSillhil Chip Off The Old RockBOB, Excellent 1, CAC/CACIBJudge Mrs. Joke Bode- vd Meeberg
17/10/2015Dogshow in EstlandKonstantijn vom Schloss MordorEstland en Baltic Junior ChampionJudge Christian Stefanescu
Judge Gakina Zhuk
17/10/2015Int Dogshow Dortmund (Germany)Junior vom Schloss MordorExcellent 1
Judge Mrs. Birgit Seloy (DNK)
18/10/2015Dogshow in EstlandKonstantijn vom Schloss MordorEstland en Baltic Junior ChampionJudge Christian Stefanescu
Judge Gakina Zhuk
27/09/2015Int Dog Show MaastrichtHuovispäviän hitaasti ja varmasti ( Finn)Dutch Youth Champ.Judge Mr. Jungblut
26/09/2015Int Dag Show MaastrichtKaitlyn vom Schloss MordorExcellent1, CAC, Best Bitch, BOBJudge Mr. R Doedijns
26/07/2015Int Dogshow RotterdamJuliette vom Schloss MordorExcellent 1 , CAC and BOBJudge Mr. Colm Hastings (IE)
26/07/2015,,Huovispäviän hitaasti ja varmasti ( Finn)Excellent1, CAC Best maleJudge Mr. Colm Hastings (IE)
25/07/2015,,Kaitlyn vom Schloss MordorExcellent 1, CAC and BOBJudge Mr. Wayne Burton (AU)
25/07/2015,,Huovispäviän hitaasti ja varmasti ( Finn)Excellent1, CAC Best male,,
19/09/2015Terrier Specialty Kamen-HeerenJunior vom Schloss MordorGERMAN YOUTH CHAMPION !!!Judge Mrs. Gerda Stuivenberg
19/09/2015Terrier Specialty Kamen-HeerenMon Cherie vom Schloss Mordor GERMAN CHAMPION !!!Judge Mrs. Gerda Stuivenberg
05/07/2015Terrier Specialty Dorsten (Germany)Junior vom Schloss MordorBOB. Excellent 1, Youth CACJudge Mieke Jansen (NL)
05/07/2015Terrier Specialty Dorsten (Germany)Mon Cherie vom Schloss MordorExcellent 1, CACJudge Mieke Jansen (NL)
28/06/2015Terrier Specialty Münster-Nienberge ( Germany)Junior vom Schloss MordorBOB. Excellent 1, Youth CACJudge Frau Tina Deipenbrock (D)
28/06/2015Terrier Specialty Münster-Nienberge ( Germany)Mon Cherie vom Schloss MordorExcellent 1, CACJudge Frau Tina Deipenbrock (D)
07/06/2015Int Dog Show OssJuliette vom Schloss MordorExcellent 1, Res Youth CACJudge Dr. Deutscher (AU)
25/05/2015Dog Show ArnhemJuliette vom Schloss MordorExcellent 1, Res Youth CACJudge Mr. I. Csik ( DE)
25/05/2015Dog Show ArnhemKaitlyn vom Schloss MordorSecond Best Puppy in Show!!
Judge Mr. I Csik ( DE)
22/03/2015Terrier Specialty Show WychenJunior vom Schloss MordorBest Youth, CAC, Excellent 1judge Mr. T. Hehir ( Ire)
22/03/2015Terrier Specialty Show WychenJuliette vom Schloss MordorJUNIOR CHAMPION!
Excellent 1, Res Youth CAC
Judge Mr. T. Hehir ( Ire)
22/03/2015Terrier Specialty Show WychenHoney ( Annabel) vom Schloss MordorExcellent 1Judge Mr. T. Hehir ( Ire)
28/02/2015Int Nat dogshow GroningenJuliette vom Schloss MordorBENELUX YOUTH WINSTER 2015judge Mr. E Deutscher , Austria
06/02/2015Int Nat. Dogshow EindhovenJuliette vom Schloss MordorBOB, Best Bitch, Excellent1, CAC judge Mr Oates, from Ireland
30/11/2014Terrier Speciality Münster ( Germany)Mon Cherie vom Schloss MordorExcellent1 , CAC VDH, CAC KfTjudge Mrs.Dr. Frau Hinsch from Germany
30/11/2014Terrier Speciality Münster ( Germany)Junior vom Schloss MordorVery Promissingjudge Mrs.Dr. Frau Hinsch from Germany
15/11/2014Eurodogshow Kortrijk (Beglium)Honey vom Schloss MordorEUROPEAN TOP TERRIER!!
Excellent 1, Best of Breed, CAC
judge Jovanovic Nemanja (SB)
01/11/2014Int Dogshow BleiswijkHoney vom Schloss MordorExcellent 2, Res. CAC and Res. CACIBjudge Anna-Lena Munkvall ( SE)
19/10/2014Int Dogshow Dortmund ( Germany)Honey vom Schloss MordorVery Well 1judge Mrs Petra Heikkinen-Lehkonen
04/10/2014Int Dogshow ZwolleHoney vom Schloss MordorExcellent 1, Best bitch, Best of BreedJudge Mrs. J. Bode v.d. Meeberg
29/09/2014Int Dogshow MaastrichtFleur vom Schloss MordorDUTCH CHAMPIONJudge Mr. Baskaran-Soto
29/09/2014Int Dogshow MaastrichtJunior vom Schloss MordorVery Promising PuppyJudge Mr. Baskaran-Soto
29/09/2014Int Dogshow MaastrichtJuliette vom Schloss MordorVery Promising Puppy and Best PuppyJudge Mr. Baskaran-Soto
31/08/2014Open Clubshow Kennelclub DierenJuliette vom Schloss Mordor3th best of baby'sChild of Fleur vom Schloss Mordor
05/07/2014Terrier-Spezialausstellung der OG-WeselMon Cherie vom Schloss MordorExcellent 1, 3th Best of Group
29/06/2014KC AlmeloPitlochry's Roosje3th Best of Group, BOB and Best Bitch
01/06/2014KC Oude IJsselstreekPitlochry's Teuntje3th Best of Group,
BOB and Best Bitch
06/06/2014Benelux Winner Show RotterdamHoney ( Annabel) vom Schloss MordorBenelux Winner and Best BitchJudge Mrs. Ricky Lochs-Romans
24/03/2014Int Dog Show GoesFleur vom Schloss MordorExcellent2, Res CAC and Res CACIBJudge Mr. R.Doedijns
08/02/2014Int. Nat. Dogshow EindhovenHoney ( Annabel) vom Schloss MordorExcellent 1, Res CACJudge Mrs. Feuz (AU)
1/07/2012Clubmatch KC Oude IJsselstreekFleur vom Schloss MordorExcellent 1, BOB and second of whole terrier groupJudge Mr. W. Wellens
24/11/2013Terrier Special, Wesel ( Duitsland)Mon Cherie vom Schloss MordorExcellent 1, Jeugd CAC and VDHChild of Leila and John Wayne
24/11/2013Terrier Special, Wesel ( Germany) Annabel ( Honey) vom Schloss MordorExcellent 2, Jeugd res. CAC and Res. VDHChild of Fleur vom Schloss Mordor
24/08/2013Int. Nat. Dogshow RotterdamFleur vom Schloss MordorExcellent 1, CAC, CACIB and Best of BreedJudge Mr. Attila Czeglédi ( Hungarn)
07/07/2013VDH Terrier Speciality Dorsten , GermanyMon Cherie vom Schloss MordorExcellent 1, Jugend CACChild of Leila and John Wayne
09/06/2013Club Match DoetinchemAnnabel ( Honey) vom Schloss MordorExcellent 1, Best Bitch, Best of Breed, Best in Show #6Judge Mr. R. Doedijns
20/05/2013Nat dogshow ArnhemFleur vom Schloss MordorExcellent 2, Res CAC
20/04/2013Int Dog Show GoesPitlochry's SuzanneDUTCH CHAMPION,
Exxelent 1, CAC / CACIB and BOB
Judge Mr. A. Beare
01/02/2013Int show EindhovenPitlochry's SuzanneExcellent 1, best bitch, CAC, CACIBJudge Mrs. C. Muldoon
17/07/2012Prins Maurits vom Schloss MordorExcellent 1 and BOBChild of Shira and John Wayne. Owned by fam. Zittema
16/12/2012Int show in WijchenPitlochry's SuzanneDUTCH CHAMPION,Excellent 1, best bitch, CAC and CACIBJudge Mrs. Elly Weijenborg-Weggemans
24/11/2012WINNER AmsterdamPitlochry's SuzanneExcellentJudge. Jo Schepers ( NL)
15/04/2012Hades vom Schloss MordorFirst at agility competitionChild of Leila and John Wayne. Owned by fam. Rotkirch
04/02/2012Int Nat. Dogshow EindhovenPitlochry's SuzanneCAC and CACIB and best bitchJudge Mrs. Brempt ( Belgium)
10/12/2011Int Nat Show WijchenPrinses Maxima vom Schloss MordorBest pupJudge Mr. R. Ritz
10/12/2011Int Nat Show WijchenFleur vom Schloss MordorExcellent 1, CAC and CAC IBJudge Mr. R. Ritz
21/08/2011Club Match Kennelclub DierenPitlochry's SuzanneBest of breed
13/06/2011Int Nat Show ArnhemPitlochry's SuzanneExcellent 1, JCAC and reserve CACJudge Mrs. J. Bode-v.d. Meeberg
05/05/2011Club Match AlmeloPitlochry's Orleance (Leila)Best of breedJudge Mr. Baars
05/05/2011Club match AlmeloIJzerhard vom Schloss MordorExcellent 1Judge Mr. Baars
05/05/2011Club Match AlmeloJohn WayneExcellent 1Judge Mr. Baars
03/04/2011Terrier Specialty WijchenFleur vom Schloss MordorYouth CACJudge Mr. Doedijns (NL)
03/04/2011Terrier Specialty WijchenPitlochry's SuzanneExcellent 1 and reserve CACJudge Mr. Doedijns (NL)

Int. Nat. Dogshow Bleiswijk

Schotse Terriër Specialities Multi Breeds 21-09-2024

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